您现在的位置:首页 > 产品展示 > 温度系列产品 > 美国Glas-Col > 100D RX100024美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024
美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024

美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024

100D RX100024美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024





100D RX100024美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024 

glas - col的组合mantles一直是在食品、纺织纤维、水和废水、石油和许多其他行业的实验室中重复提取、回流和提取程序的选择。glas - col的版本提供了安全和便利,在多地点的加热地幔中从未有过。

每6个地方的组合配备有6个弹簧式玻璃器皿夹,每个3个单位包含3个。夹子将玻璃器皿的直径从1 / 8“- 2”。夹附在水平支撑杆上。有两个系列RL控制选择:百分比定时器或比例电压。根据刻度盘设定,每个加热位置的百分比定时器版本脉冲全线电压。比例电压版本为每个位置提供一个恒定的稳态电压。六个地方的控制实际上是两个单位,可以一起安装,也可以单独安装。绳索连接的控制允许在一个方便的位置放置操作员。

100D RX100024美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套 100D RX50024 


Glas-Col’s combination mantles have always been the mantles of choice for repetitive extracting, refluxing, and distilling procedures in labs of the food, textile fiber, water and waste-water, petroleum, and many other industries. Glas-Col’s latest version offers safety and convenience never before available in a multi-place heating mantle.

●Lower profile for space-saving convenience

●Revolutionary heating element container system makes replacing burned-out elements a simple task

●Element containers act as spill containment chambers to capture chemicals from spillage or boil-over

●Clear anodized aluminum cabinet with black PTFE resin coated top for chemical resistance

●Offered in two space-saving configurations; six-place for 100-300 ml flasks and three-place for 500-1,000 ml flasks

●Available in low-temperature ( 450°C RX version) and high-temperature (650°C RJ version) for greater versatility

●The ideal mantle for Kjeldahl, Soxhlet, and other extraction Procedures

100D RX100024 

Each six-place Combo is furnished with six spring-type glassware clamps, and each three-place unit contains three. The clamps hold glassware from 1 5/8” - 2” in diameter. The clamps attach to one of the horizontal support rods. Two Series RL control choices are available: percentage timer or proportional voltage. The percentage-timer version pulses full-line voltage to each heating position according to the dial setting. The proportional-voltage version supplies a constant, steady-state voltage to each position. The six-place controls are actually two units that can be mounted together or separay. The cord- connected controls allow placement at a convenient location for the operator.

100D RX100024 

100D RX100024美国Glas-Col三联电热套、加热套100D RX50024 



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